Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day at GoGo and Grandaddy's...

GoGo and Grandaddy and Granny and Pap Pap were all her to see what Santa brought. Then we all ate breakfast and after breakfast we go to GoGo and Grandaddy's (my parents) to open presents and eat lunch there.
GoGo bought these BIG stockings when I was pregnant with Jackson and has used them every Christmas for the kids. They love their big stockings and love reaching down in them and pulling out all their presents. I don't know about your house but stocking are a BIG deal at my house... it is probably one of my favorite "presents" to open.
Here is Brylee with her big ole stocking...
After her stocking she started opening her wrapped presents... she got a Hannah Montana Bus that turns into a stage, house, dressing room etc., a Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus barbie doll, a baby doll with hair and 2 Kelly's Kids outfits that match outfits she already has. It is too cute! I can't wait to take their pictures in their matching clothes.
Then it was Jackson's turn... he started with his wrapped presents first. He got a game, Wii Sports Resorts, a North Face Jacket (which by the way i will never "buy" another jacket for him... they last forever... he got a black one when he was 2 and it was an XS and he just now out grew it and got a new one... 4 years later... I would say we got our money out of that one!

Jackson and his big ole stocking...

Then they got their big presents... Jackson got a three in one sports table...

Then it was time to go outside for Brylee's BIG present...

Brylee got her a Razor Dirt Quad 4Wheeler...

she was BEYOND excited...

They only come in red (and that is a boy color in case you did know that.. ha:) so we ordered some stickers (like the initials you see on the back windows of cars... that might be a southern thing?) and added some girly-ness to it. We added yellow, lime green, and pink polka dots, daisy flowers, and B's for her initials... she loved it! I must it is pretty cute too!

Then Grandaddy had a "surprise" up his sleeve for Jackson.He turned his "blue four wheeler" into an "Alabama four wheeler". He was SO EXCITED! His reaction was priceless... "Where did you get this?" Grandaddy got a new body for his original four wheeler, painted it Crimson, and added Alabama Stickers. Even if I am an Auburn Fan it is pretty darn cool if I do say so myself!

They both had a blast riding them around the circle at my parents house!

KK also came over to GoGo and Grandaddy's and gave them lots of goodies including a Wal Mart gift card which is something they really wanted. They were so excited about getting it... it makes me laugh the things they ask for!

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