Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well I guess it is that time again... the start of a New Year always brings the thoughts of New Years Resolutions, commitments, things you hope to do better... whatever you want to call them. I have been thinking about my "list" of things I hope to be better at in 2010! So here it goes... 1. I hope to be a better house keeper: This is something I always struggled with. I HATE cleaning PERIOD! It always seems like such a chore and it doesn't last long... it gets messed right back up. I clean the kitchen, then I cook and I have to clean it again. I unload the dishwasher and turn around and the sink is full again. It is a vicious cycle. We have had a maid the good part of our marriage up until about a year ago and I don't feel like I have ever gotten into a cleaning routine. My cleaning method has been clean the house from one side to the next, dare anyone to mess it up, and then get mad when they do. Well I found this "blog" that gives you tips on how to declutter, organize, and clean your house one room at a time for about 30 minutes a day using a step by step method. The main point it made was your house did not get cluttered, unorganized and dirty all in one day, week, or month therefore it is not going to get decluttered, organized, and clean in one day, week, or month. You have to take baby steps! Let's see how it works? 2. I hope to do better at keeping up with the laundry: Another task I am not very good at and don't enjoy doing! My theory for washing clothes is I wash what we need or what we wear.Which explains why we still have shorts in the dirty clothes. I do not wash, dry, fold, and put away clothes. I wash and dry or hang to dry throw in a pile and get dressed from the pile! My goal is to get all the clothes in our house clean and put away and then stay caught up by doing at least a load a day or possibly a wash day? Still working on how I plan to expedite my plan... any suggestions... maybe I can find a blog about that too! Ha! :) 3. I hope to be more consistent with my exercising/running: I enjoy it when I do go to aerobics and when I run but I don't always make it a priority. I want to get in a habit of doing aerobics on Mondays and Thursdays and get back to running about 3 days a week. I want to do another 5k too b.c it helps me to have a goal to work towards. Plus i have a new Itunes gift card that is "burning a hole in my pocket" so I need to run so I can download some new tunes! 4. I hope to be a better saver than spender: One area I want to focus on is groceries/food... I spend entirely TOO much money at the grocery store. I am the queen of buying all the latest greatest snacks, food, and new items. I also love to buy snack foods... not necessarily all junk but I will go to the grocery store and have a buggy full of groceries and spend 200 dollars and have 2 meals for a week. Therefore we either go out to eat or we make another trip to the store every day to get dinner food. My goal is to make a list, stick to it, and buy meals not "junk". I would love to clip coupons and use the iheartpublix blog and even save money on our grocery bill. Wish me luck! So there you have it... my 2010 New Years Goals! Now that I have been as honest and "real" as I have ever been in a blog post and you all think I live in a messy house, full of dirty laundry, and snack foods! What are your goals for 2010?
p.s. Happy Blogiversary to me!
One year ago today I started my blog and I plan to get our 2009 year printed and bound in a book... it is my new way to scrapbook since paper scrapbooking is considered a thing of the past and my kids are about 2 in their scrapbooks anyway... this is sure to be more effective! :)


  1. please share the cleaning blog that you found... i think that we would all use that one!

  2. you need to join to help you save on the grocery shopping.. e glennon has been talking about it and it sounds really good.. i'm about to join right, i'll keep you posted.. but, the best thing is.. the meal is already planned for you!

  3. Girl!!!!! We gotta get together! First, I just published my blog (I usually do it year to year) and it's almost 600 pages with over 2500 pictures for last yr alone! It was only $75, so let me know before you do! Also, did you know I teach coupon classes? I can promise you, after our little class, you will save at least 50% on groceries and still get all the "good stuff"!
