Wednesday, March 9, 2011

i am over it.....

tonight i am going outside the "blogger box"... instead of writing about all the things i love and all the fun things we have done... i am getting real tonight...{consider that as your warning for what is below}... -i am over today... -i am over this weather... what happen to our beautiful spring weather we had??? -i am over second grade homework... who flippin' cares how many words he reads per minute, or how many minutes we read a book each night... what if we don't want to read 20 minutes, what if we want to read 10 tonight and 30 tomorrow or what if we just want to read a book or what if we just don't want to read at all... does it really matter? - i am over kindergarten homework too... for the love we are in kindergarten... we have the next 12 years to have homework... what if we don't want to write sentences with sight words on tue night, or read books full of sight words and rhyming words, or go over the sight word ring for the 100th time... - i am over doing laundry... it is a never ending process... i think we have enough laundry to cloth half of africa - i am over my house looking like a bomb went off in it - i am over cleaning my is never clean no matter what I do - i am over not having a maid - i am over my hair i am about to chop it all off -i am over all my clothes... even though I got some new clothes this weekend the weather has been so yucky I can't even wear them - i am over not having a tan... mr sunshine please come out! - i am over my make up... I need some new colors - i am over that fact that my husband and I are about to be married for 10 years... 8 years of which we have been parents and we have not been anywhere together without the kids for more than 2 nights... we will be doing something about that this year!!!! - i am over trying to think of something to do during spring would make things easier if spring break would actually be in the spring instead of the freezing cold rainy season! So... what are you over???


  1. i hear ya girl!!! get that vacation scheduled and you and your hubby get away:)!!!

  2. Too funny!!! I agree with the reading in second grade...who cares how many words they read per minute, the most important thing is that they CAN read!!! I am on that bandwagon with you!!!!
