Sunday, September 26, 2010

Honey Do Weekend...

We were very productive this weekend at our house... got some of the home improvements checked off the honey do list! :) First on the list was re-staining our front door... you can see in this picture our front door; which gets baked by the sun; was beginning to look like a brown door with cream polka dots...well who knew that with a $10 small can of stain/polyurethane mix and some elbow grease our front door would look this good?I am so excited because it looks so much better... this was with only one coat of stain... we plan to take it down next weekend and add another coat with hopes that it will last longer than 4 years. Now all I need is the cute fall wreath I saw at the florist in mt. laurel... Well who remembers this project we have had going on for way to long... but life just gets busy and it seems like now things have settled down and we plan to devote the next few weekends with hopes to get our little project finished.... So we cleaned the rooms, walls, and floors really good and then start this...We finished painting the small room (which will be the kids playroom) and hopefully we can paint and put up the window facing, shelf, and molding next weekend... it already looks so much better... and starting to look more like a room... yeah!!!! we also painted the "hallway" i guess that is what you call it... now all we need is a few door facings and molding in here and we will be done with this "room" too... and remove the shop vac and spot light too... ha! :)We have not started painting the "big room" yet... we want to finish the other rooms first and then start painting there... It has been a long time since we have painted... thankfully when we built our current house they painted all the rooms for us...
while RP and I were down their painting it brought back memories of our first house... we bought my grandmothers 1970's house and we painted EVERY.ROOM.IN.THE. HOUSE!!!!
(some of them twice)... i forgot how much "fun" painting is! :)
It feels good to have a productive weekend and I am so glad we are checking things off our list and I am also glad my tigers won last night and my "painter" was glad the tide won as well... he was not a happy painter there for a while!
Hope you all have a great week!!! Be back soon with a flashback photo... just in case you ever thought my brylee did not look JUST like me... well i have found some serious proof... i can no longer deny her! ha! :)

1 comment:

  1. ok...i was looking through your list and found a few families I know! You will have to send me the link to Angela's bc I still can't find it. Enjoyed bfast this morning :) Hope to see you and Brylee tonight!
