Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Painting Party...

We transformed our den in Brylee's Art Studio all set with tables, stools, easel's, canvas, paints and brushes. My BFF since 5 years old co owns a painting company however she was out of town but her precious partner came and did all the instructing for the girls. She was precious and was so good with the girls... she sounds and acts just like Elise. The girls did great and I think all of us moms were so impressed with their masterpieces. I can't wait to hang brylee's in her room!
A few decoration in the "art studio"...
i made candy balloon weights from salt cylinders wrapped in tissue paper and cellophane and tied them with ribbons on the ends to make them look like wrapped pieces of candy...
all the "artist" waiting patiently for instructions and eagerly ready to paint...
brylee staring to paint...
the girls painting away...
almost done...
filling in the lollipop
the finished product...
how cute are these...
i must say i was pretty impressed...

great job brylee and friends...

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