Sunday, January 23, 2011

get your motor RUNNING.....

One of the things on my "bucket list" is to run a half marathon. But I really never knew how to start or which one to do etc... I had two friends who ran one in November and so I started talking to them about my desire to want to run one and after a few conversations I got an email that said... here is the one we are doing, here is your training program, get busy running, you can do it, we are excited! So I have done all those things! We are running The Talladega Half Marathon on April 3rd. They picked this one because the course is fairly flat! :) I am good with that! We are using the Hal Higdon training program... which thankfully it is very easy to follow. He tells you what to run and I just go by his schedule and run what he says each day! I am about to start week 3 tomorrow. I missed week 1 but week 1 and week 2 are the same thing so I just started running on week 2. I started last Sunday and ran 3 miles... i was actually shocked I could run the majority of it. I will say I have not really ran since I ran the Race for the Cure 5K in Oct 2009... so I am basically starting over and a 5K and a half marathon are two totally different things! :) I had a sweet friend let me borrow her "running watch" so I can track my mileage, time, etc so I can just go out and run and I don't have to do all my running on a treadmill or a track. That has been really helpful! I "enjoy" running and really it is my preferred choice of exercise... if there is such a thing and I ran cross country in school and was actually running when Richard and I met so I am not brand new to it but it sure has been a LONG while since I ran on a daily basis for a considerable amount of time. It has not been a cake walk and I will say I am ready for my shins to stop feeling bruised, my calves to not feel like someone is sticking hot pokers in them, and breathing would be nice too. I look forward to easy run and rest days! :) Today I was suppose to run 4 miles but some reason about mile 3 my right leg went to sleep from the knee down and I could not get it to wake up... i really wanted to push through it but I keep feeling like I was going to fall because I could not feel my foot so I decided it wasn't worth it. Today was also the first day I ran with my "running watch"... so I ran 3.2 miles in 45 minutes i know that is not great considering a 10 minutes mile is the overall goal but i am making progress. I really can't wrap my mind around THIRTEEN. POINT. ONE MILES!!!!!! but I have decided I am just not going to think about that... one mile at a time... and if I am the last one to finish and if i am crawling on my hands and knees so be it... at least I finished! :) I will keep you updated on my progress and if you are a runner and have any advice or suggestions please share them with me... i am all ears! :) (Even if it is your favorite song to run too)


  1. That is one of my goals too! My goal is to run one by the end of the year or early next year though. So proud of you!!

  2. shelly... i'm so proud of you....keep up the good work and enjoy the quiet time while you will learn a lot about yourself and what you are thinking!!! I'm starting to feel like I want to run again too....thanks for inspiring me:)!! keep posting your progress
