On May 2, 2004 we celebrated your first year of life with a circus themed birthday party. Lots of family and friends were there. You had the most precious circus cake and you loved every bit of it. You got tons of presents for your birthday and Giggles the clown came and made balloon characters for all the kids. It was a great day!
(pretend this is pictures of his 1st b'day)
On May 7th, 2005 we celebrated your second birthday with a construction themed birthday party and Bob the Builder and Wendy came to help us celebrate (to this day you will still look at pictures of Bob and Wendy at your party and tell us who they are... you don't even recognize them as granny and pap pap's friends Scott and Shirley... i love that :)). You had a Bob the Builder cake that was too cute and all your guest got Home Depot aprons with there names on it. It was a cute party!
(pretend this is pictures from b'day #2)
On May 6, 2006 we celebrate your third birthday at Fun Factory. It was a Buzz Lightyear birthday party. You had so much fun jumping in the "jumpy things", dressing up in the costumes, and playing the games. This was your first "jumpy" birthday party and really the first time you had actual "friends" that can to your party instead of just family and "mommy daddy friends". What a fun age! You were so excited about everything this year, presents, cake and all!

Happy 6th Birthday to my little buddy. You are the best little boy a momma could ask for. You are 110% all boy and you don't sit still much. You are always on the go and playing hard. But you have the biggest heart and the sweetest spirit. I could not have ask for a more perfect "baby boy"! We are so blessed to have you!
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