Monday, November 23, 2009

The Blind Side....

Tonight we went and saw The Blind Side and it was Jackson's first "real movie" (i am not counting the free summer movies). It just kind of happened not really something we planned. Brylee is at the lake b.c she is out of school all week so Richard, Jackson and I went to meet my parents for dinner since Jackson is the O.C. and that is what he wanted to do. While we were there I mentioned I wanted to go see The Blind Side. My parents had already seen it but my mom said she would go see it again. She said it was ok for jackson to see so we ate fast and made the 7:30 showing. Yes, we are up for the parents of the year award for keeping our child out until 10:00pm on a school night to see a movie! ha :)
All I can say is WOW! I think it is my new favorite movie. I now know why my mother wanted to see it again... I could have stayed in the movies and watched it again. It was that GOOD! All I read all over facebook was how everyone cried but my mom told me I would not cry and I didn't. There were a couple of times I teared up but no sobbing involved. It was just that warm fuzzy feeling kind of movie.
I could also relate to a lot of the movie. Naturally with a football coachin hubby and a football lover football is a big deal at our house so I enjoyed that part of the movie. I could also relate to the mom in the movie (and my dad said parts of her reminded him of me)... I so could see myself marching my little self down the bleachers and "telling" the coach how to coach, my "advice" working and then turning my little self around and saying "you can thank me later"... that might be my favorite line of the movie. I also loved the little brother SJ in the movie... that is so Jackson I can see him "negotiating deals" for himself with regards to football.
I was really impressed (shocked) at how well Jackson did in the movie. It is no secret to anyone that he is FULL of energy and doesn't sit still very well much less for 2 1/2 hours at a movie that starts past his bed time. He was amazing and loved every minute of it. We are real big into teaching our kids that they are SPOILED PERIOD!!! and that there are so many people that don't have or do half of what they have or do... and to be thankful for all that they do have. So I was not worried about him seeing the "less fortunate" side of the movie b.c i like for them to realize how fortunate they are. There were a few bad words but nothing real bad just the "common 3" and they did use the slang word for African American a few times but nothing real noticeable. There was a drug scene and I was not concerned about that b.c he would not know what all that was even if he saw it (thank goodness) and only one "kissing" scene. So parents if you are thinking about taking your son to see the movie I would definitely do it... the good by far out ways the bad.
We enjoyed our little date night with our little man... I am always amazed at how easy one child is (either one of them)... they say one is one and two is like ten... i think I agree! LOL :)


  1. just saw it over the weekend! absolutely LOVED it! :)

  2. I have not seen the movie yet, but I can't wait to go maybe over the Thanksgiving hoilday.
