Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ABC's of Thanksgiving

My Thankful ABC's... A: Auburn Football... since it is Iron Bowl Week B: Brylee... my precious baby girl C: Children's Clothing... especially smocked and monogrammed D: Diet Dr. Pepper... my drink of choice E: Exercise... running and kick boxing F: Friends... I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends in my life G: Grandparents... during the holidays I miss them most... especially my grandmother...but i am very thankfully to have my nannie to celebrate with... H: House... for a warm place to sleep and a place to call home... I: In laws... who raised such a fine young man for me to love J: Jackson... my handsome little man K: KK... my aunt whom my kids adore and who never forgets to send them a card for every holiday... including a dollar... L: Little Debbie Cakes... especially christmas tree cakes and swiss cake rolls M: My Blackberry... my favorite "toy" i don't know what I would do without it... N: Nonnie... who is the most self less person I know and always so kind to my kids and a fabulous second mother... O: Ocean... I love the sound of it and its beauty but don't really care to get in it... P: Parents... who are ABSOLUTELY the best... PERIOD Q: Quiet Time... it is very rare but oh so refreshing R: Richard... my wonderful hubby S: Shopping... even though I don't get to do it as often as I would like... I surely enjoy it when i do... especially with my favorite shopping buddy... T: TV Shows... more specially Desperate Housewives, Glee, Grey's Anatomy, Bachelor(ette), Biggest Loser etc.. U: yoU...I enjoy reading your blogs... and enjoy that you read mine... and love it even more when you comment (hint hint wink wink) V: Vacations... more specially the beach and Disney World W: Wireless Internet... and a lap top so I can spend countless hours on the Internet... X: Xmas... My favorite time of the year Y: Yogurt Mountain... my favorite ice cream place on the planet Z: ZZZZ's... even though I don't always get enough My little helper of the cookies made for brothers class shown above... with her own creation and evidence in her mouth!

1 comment:

  1. That was so cute and creative. I saw those cookies in the paper Sunday and plan on making them this weekend. I hope you guys have a blessed Thanksgiving!
