Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Day of Thanksgiving...

We had a very nice thanksgiving... as I am sure you did with your family as well. It was full of food, family, and fun. This year we had thanksgiving at our house... I guess since "I'm a big kid now" I decided I could handle it. So I got to use all the fine china I have not used in eight years, the crystal glasses that still had the wedding number stickers on them b.c they have never been used ever, the waterford cloth napkins that were still in the package... yep never used those either... and pulled of some matha stewart skill I did not know I had. So here is the evidence that you really do use those wedding presents and everyone has a little martha stewart inside of them somewhere you just have to dig deep...
the table is set...
my center pieces... and yes I did these...
for those of you who know my mother...
she was impresses...
since this is more her than me...
and we even had name cards too...
and i made these too...
and then we all dug in...
I also made most of the food sweet potato casserole (my absolute favorite thanksgiving food... well not just any sweet potato casserole... just my moms recipe... I am pretty picky about it), green beans, mac and cheese, rolls, and 2 pies (lemon ice box... my dad's favorite and good ole stickler chocolate pie) and my mom brought the turkey and dressing. All of the food was delish...
my two turkeys and the whole gang... which turned out pretty good...
After we ate at my house for lunch... we headed to the farm to my uncle house and enjoyed a beautiful yet chilly afternoon and evening... Jackson loved riding his four wheeler all over the farm... and was even sweet enough to let his sister ride with him...
well she did ride it by herself but she is my little dare devil
who is afraid of NOTHING... and was having her a good ole time
turning circle and going way too fast and rolled the four wheeler...
so needless to say we would not let her ride it by herself and
sorry Brylee but I think you gave your GoGo a heart attack so
no 4 wheeler for you this year... :)
and as always we enjoyed seeing this cute little turkey
baby graham... you are growing up way too fast! We had a very blessed thanksgiving and count each of you as a blessing!

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