Monday, November 30, 2009

He's Back.....

Well our elf Jordan Lee joined us Saturday Night! Jackson is OBSESSED with this little elf. He started asking before Thanksgiving when Jordan Lee would be coming and I told him I bet he came when we put our Christmas tree up so we did Saturday and he was very anxious about whether or not he would come. He woke up at 3:30 am sunday morning came into my room and ask if Jordan Lee came... I told him I did not know and to go back to sleep b.c it was the middle of the night. So he did and at 6:00am he woke back up and said can I go look now... sure! He started looking and found him on the Christmas Tree. He was so excited! Last night he told him good night and blew him a kiss on his way to bed... so sweet! He wakes up every morning asking about him; comes home from school asking about him... he is obsessed!!! This morning when he woke up Jordan Lee was sitting on his night stand "playing" his DS. Jackson thought it was so funny! Brylee on the other hand does NOT like Jordan Lee and has made it very clear she does not want him anywhere near her stuff or in her room. I am not sure why? We ask her and she doesn't tell us? I think b.c she is afraid he is going to tell Santa and she is afraid she want get any presents? But who know with her? So do you have an elf at your house? What does your elf do while you are asleep or do you have any ideas of what you "think" our elf could do... you know he has to do 25 different things... lots of creativity needed here...


  1. I thought that the elf watched you all day at home, then went back to the North Pole once you went to bed to report to Santa and help out with toy-making, then came back each morning ... at least that's the story I've been told!

    Our babe is only 7 months old so our creativity has not yet been tested ... the next year or so, however, when our scout elf starts visiting ... should be fun!

  2. We have a different Elf but same story...he does crazy things at night! Some people have them roll things in the house, knock over kitchen chairs, spills things, even rolls the outside or a car...crazy things people come up with. Chase isn't getting his for at least a few more days....that is what's so great about having a younger child:-) Fun times!!!

  3. We have the same elf and Carter is OBSESSED as well :) Bentley whispers everytime she is around him and will point many times during the day and whisper...go figure. Ours arrived Thanksgiving night and reports back to Santa each night about the kids behavior. He also makes a mess every morning. He has strown bags all over the den, rolled the bathroom, this morning he was in the laundry room and took all the towels out of the dryer and threw them everywhere. So much fun!!

  4. We don't have one, but a friend of mine does and she's very creative... Apparently, hers took the car and parked it in the yard last year!

  5. We have several. He is getting the elf on a shelf, and he has a baby and big one, and she does to cause he says Santa wouldn't just bring him one:) So funny. Mind rolls things usually or just goes and hides and we also do gifts. They get movies and candy when I don't feel like doing the messes!

  6. i am determined that our elves are only coming for the 12 days of Christmas this year...

  7. I don't have an elf just yet I am thinking about starting this next with my kids since Kyron will be 4 and Kennedy Grace will be 2 then I feel that they will be a little more excited about it. What do you think? I just love the ideas.
