Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Cuties...

Tonight Jackson had his Christmas Program at school. We had a little mini photo sessions before we left. PS> In case you are wondering why jackson has on a plain white shirt (ugh) and jeans... it is b.c that was what they had to wear... white, blue or grey shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes... YUCK! I know they have to make it easy for everyone and should not expect people to buy clothes... but seriously could we not have worn something a little more "christmasy"... surely people buy christmas clothes... i mean i know everyone doesn't have 25 "outfits" but surley they have 1 outfit??? Ok Ok i will kindly step off my soap box... thanks for listening! :) I know he is a cutie either way! :) PSS> Thank you so much blog friends for all the comments and suggestions regarding Jordan Lee... and yes our elf (elf on the shelf) flies home at night to report to santa and comes back before we wake up and is usually doing something funny or making a mess and possibly give surprises this year? This is our 3rd year with Jordan Lee so my kids were 3 and 4 1/2 the first year we got him... just to answer a few questions ask in the comment section! Thanks again! :)

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