Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Craziness....

The Christmas Craziness is fast approaching and it all starts tomorrow with Jackson's class party... since i am one of the room moms it means this afternoon and tonight I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off getting it all done... partly b.c that is my personality and partly b.c i have to handle life one day at a time. So this afternoon I tackled with two kids in tow (nuff said) 7 stops to purchase gift cards, publix, and walmart... yeah are you tired from reading that... i was tired from doing it! But of course I love it or I would not do it... any whoo... all that to say it pays to have a "retired" teacher as a room mom and a good class too b.c you will get HOOKED up at Christmas!!!!
Check out what our class is given our teacher for Christmas ( i secretly wish it was mine... but isn't that when you know a present is good when you really want it?)
I know you can't see it all so here is the run down... a little christmas tree with little gift card boxes each having a gift card to one of these places the movie theater, panera bread, lifeway christian book store, starbucks, outback, nail and toes, and a belk all totaling $160... WOW! How nice! We have a super generous class which is awesome and we have a fabulous teacher as well that deserves this gift and so much more for all she does for our boys and girls each day! I had a blast doing it and I can't wait for them to give it to her tomorrow.
As if all that was not enough craziness for the day/night Jackson and I also made reindeer food for him to give to his class for Christmas... i think they turned out cute!
And look who thought making reindeer food while we slept was a good idea... oh my Jordan Lee! How many more days do we have with you... ahhh... i think santa might need you back earlier! ;)

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