Monday, December 14, 2009

The Nester Christmas Home Tours...

Christmas Tour of Homes with The Nester

I am so excited to be participating in Nester Christmas Home Tour... I hope to get lots of new ideas for decorating in the future and you too feel free to click on over to Nester and check out all the other holiday decorating ideas!

But before you go this is what Christmas looks like in our house...

Our wreath on the front door...

When you come in the front door I decorated the banisters with garlin, lights, and big red bows.

When you get to the top of the steps; this is the family room. Where our tree is decorated and out mantel it too. Our mantel has one of my favorite Christmas traditions... Santa pictures of the kids through the years... i love to pull them out each year and see how much they have grown.
Our Tree... more on that in an earlier post
I have several cookies jars, plates, candles, and mugs i put up around the kitchen... here are a few Something else I LOVE about Christmas time is getting Christmas cards... I can not wait to get home in the afternoon to check the mail and see if we got any Christmas cards in the mail. I even have brylee looking forward to it too! :) I love looking at all the kids and seeing how much they have grown and how much the families have grown. I keep the cards from year to year. I wish i could get Christmas cards year around! :) I made this cute little board to display them on... however we are beginning to "outgrow" out board so I need to find a new way to display them. There you have it! I have realized at looking at other people Christmas decorations we don't really have as much as I "thought" we did. I can't believe all the people that have 3 and 4 trees. WoW! Maybe one day we will too? Thanks for checking in and seeing our decorations and welcome if you are new! Merry Christmas and may you always remember the real meaning of Christmas... it is not about decorations, presents, and parties but it is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

  1. you need a new board to display your cards on.. you can't see all those!
