Sunday, December 13, 2009

Polar Express...

Tonight we took the kids to ride the Polar Express in Calera. If you have never been you need to mark your calendar for October 2010, buy your tickets and go. It was GREAT! The kids absolutely LOVED it especially Jackson! Mrs. Claus even commented how excited he was b.c when she hugged him she could feel his heart beating so fast... ahhh... little sweety!
Off to ride the Polar Express...
Waiting in line to board the train...
Tickets in hand...
Getting their tickets punched...Ready to ride to the North PoleOur Conductor...Our little family...
(not the greatest... I knew when I had to "teach" him how to take a picture we were in trouble)
Following along in the book as it was being read aloud....
Looking for the north pole...
Here come the elves... of course Jackson ask them if they knew Jordan Lee
Good thing "they did"... ha!
The elf said "hey jackson" he said "how do you know my name?"
she said "i know all the kids names"
ha! he never knew it was on his shirt... LOL!
And look who got on the train at the north pole...
none other than Santa and Mrs. Claus
(they were great)
Then came the chefs delivering milk and cookies
Lastly we got ornaments and bells...
The first gift of Christmas and we could hear the bell! ;)
We had a blast... i think i had as much fun as they did!
I HIGHLY recommend it! :)


  1. Cute, cute, cute!!!

    BEAUTIFUL!! I love the Polar Express

    mY tOUR iS nOW sHARED....come by, if you can, to visit. Happy Holidays!


  2. Oh that seem like great fun. I might be able to take the kids next year. Glad to hear that the kids had fun.

  3. Love the pics. Brylee and Jackson always cooperate for the camera...why dont mine? (LOL)
