Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve day we had to stay very busy with the blinds closed and we had to know where the kids were at all times and pretty much be with them b.c we were so afraid they were going to look outside and ruin their Santa present that was in our back yard. So I had a plan to bake with them all day long. First we made Pioneer Womans Cinnamon Rolls... WOW...Is all that I can say... those things are the BEST things I have put in my mouth. Our house smelled like Cindys Cinnamon Rolls but they are the best! A pain to make and they make a BIG oe mess but they are delish! (can i add that I got her cookbook for christmas and I am sooo excited... she has some recipes that I can't wait to try)! Hubby called me "Shelly Shuburt" LOL! Here are my little chefs helping me bake and make all day! Here we are making homemade chocolate chip cookies for Santa... wow! I forgot how good those things really are... the slice and bake really don't come close!
Chef Jackson
Chef Brylee
After all the making and baking was done we got ready for our annual Christmas Eve photo shoot, Christmas Eve church service, and christmas eve dinner at Nonnie and Poppie's.
We have never been to the Christmas Eve Service at church before and it is something that I really wanted to do this year since time permitted it. I always want my kids to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas... yes Santa is fun and all but I want them to know that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ! They did good considering all circumstances and it was a little long for them to sit still but I was glad we went. I enjoyed singing from the hymnal some traditional good ole Christmas songs, listening to the reading of the Bible Story, and participating in the Lord's Supper. I hope to keep the tradition going for years to come.
A few "funnies" that happened during church... Brylee ask me when we were going to eat the Lord's Dinner (ha!... i think she thought we were actually going to eat a meal at church); and while we were singing we happen to sit beside one of those "loud "singing" people"... i know you know the type of people I am taking about... yes every church has their fair share and Jackson kept looking at him, then back at the book, then back at him, then at us... I was dying inside! I was just waiting on him to ask me "why he was singing so loud"... thank goodness he did not! :) After church we went to Nonnie's and ate a yummy dinner, opened gifts, and hunted the Pickle (more on that later... no get your mind out of the gutter)!
brylee got a ds game and pearls for her add a pearl necklace... jackson got a ds game... and an alabama shirt... he was so excited... he said he could wear it to watch the "BCS Championship" when I say he is OBSESSED... I mean he really is! gogo and grandaddy with the grands...

We had a great night with lots of family and friends!

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