Friday, December 25, 2009

It's a Christmas Tradition...

One of our Christmas Traditions at Nonnie and Poppie's is to Hunt the Pickle. We have a pickle Christmas ornament that we hind anywhere in the room and the person that find the ornament first get a prize (money)! Over the years as the group has grown we have several different "categories". We have the adults, the big kids, and the little kids. One group hides the pickle and the other looks and vis versa. We do this about 6 to 8 times. Well Jackson and Brylee had not found the pickle yet so we had a "special" round for them.
Jackson found it first... look how excited he is! :)
Then we hid it for Brylee... well we decided to put it in the santa hat on Jackson's head and told him to be real still and quite... yeah right! There is NOTHING still and quite about Jackson! He was laughing the whole time she was looking... he was more fun to watch that she was...
check out the look on his face...
After LOTS of hot and cold clues (we all but told her it was under the hat) she finally lifted the hat up and found it... they had a blast!
Do any of you play "Hide the Pickle" or have you even heard of it? Just curious? :)

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