Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Parties...

We had a great time at Jackson's Class Christmas Party. He has such a great class with many of our friends from church but they DO NOT eat! I have never seen a class that doesn't eat the party food. Halloween they did not eat the cupcakes... so I let them vote on what they wanted to have for the Christmas Party and they voted on a cookie cake... so they got a $30 cookie cake (who knew cookies cakes cost so much) and I bet over half of them did not eat it? Go figure! Oh well I guess that is why they are all skinny! LOL We "played" The Right Family Christmas (where you pass your book to the right when hear the word right and left when you hear the word left) with books... once they figured out their lefts and rights we were good to go. They all had fun! Then we partied some more at Church with a "Happy Birthday Jesus" birthday party. These Christmas crazies are ready for more sugar! PS... bre be glad you weren't here for this photo shoot it was pretty much a nightmare... you can see with brylee's "pose" good gracious... hang in there it does get a "little bit" easier when they get older... LOL!

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