Thursday, December 17, 2009

Toffee Bars are DELISH....

My neighbor made these Toffee Bars for our Christmas Bunko last week and they were a huge hit. She sent us the recipe so I decided to make some and send them to school with Jackson and Brylee for some of the teacher and support staff. They are SUPER easy!!!! Enjoy! Toffee Bar Recipe 1 cup of brown sugar 1 cup of butter 1 tsp vanilla flavoring 1 cup chopped pecans 1 box graham crackers (approx. 24) Line cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Break graham crackers in half and line foil. Pour pecans evenly on graham crackers. Melt butter on top of stove and add brown sugar and vanilla. Let boil for 1 min. Immediately pour evenly over graham crackers and nuts. Bake 350 degrees for 10 min. Remove foil from cookie sheet and lay on cooling rack until completely cooled. Break into pieces and enjoy!

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