Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Happenings....

Today started the first of many holiday gatherings. We started with breakfast at my parents house this morning with my Nannie and Mr. Mark. Then we had the large Powers Christmas
dinner and gift giving this evening.
Two Christmas Cuties ready for all the fun to begin...

Nannie Bearden with her great grand kids

Nannie always give the kids saving bonds and pajamas... i love jackson face when he sees his jammies... so cute!

and brylee looks equally excited about hers

They have been wanting some footy pajamas so bad. My mom and I have looked everywhere and could not find any in their size they were either too small or too big so Nannie found some at the Carters Outlet in Foley (she lives near there) and bought them for them so my mom gave them today as an "early Christmas present".
I think they look hilarious in them... RP said all brylee needed was a hood and bunny ears and she would be the deranged easter bunny from the Christmas Story.... LOL Then we headed to The Powers Big Family Christmas Reunion. I think there were 47 people there and 19 of them are great grand kids ranging from 20 years old to 2 years old. WOW! Being an OC that is a TON of folks.
The Girl Great Grand Kids (minus 1)
(we did not even attempt the boys...)

The nieces and nephews waiting so patiently for their gifts

All the great grand kids draw names and each one of them took their gift to the person who's name they had... they waited until everyone had a gift and then tore into it!
Brylee's ready...
Showing off the goods... Jackson "trying" not to peek... ha Oh My! He has his game face on...Brylee and Zac Brylee and Olivia

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics, LOVE their shirts, too cute. I am going to try the toffee bars, look yummy. Also, I PROMISE I will do the 10 things that me happy ;)
