Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas with the Powers

Sunday we went to the lake and did Christmas with Richard parents; Granny and Pap Pap. The kids got lots of presents and had a great time playing with all the cousins. Here is what seems to be our "traditional" picture this year (not on purpose)... a picture of the kids in front of the Christmas tree...
"We want presents, We want presents, We want presents..."
"Look Mom Ariel... my favorite"
Sweet mama taking care of her baby panda
Anyone seem a theme here... think my boy likes footballs?Cool... Bop It! Every Christmas we always seem to have a visit from a princess... Katie was the fairy princess this year. I remember when Olivia and Brylee would be the princesses. And Zac I believe he thinks he got the "toy of the century". He ABSOLUTELY loved this helicopter with the rope hook... he hooked everything in sight... including sisters new barbie and barbie car... typical brother! :)

Fun times at the Powers household... two Christmas Celebrations down and about 4 more to go! Whew! But it sure will be TONS of fun! We have lots of fun things planned this week... so keep checking back.

We have word from the "North Pole" that "Santa and Mrs. Claus" are "loosing their religion" over a putting togeher a "present"... lord have mercy if their marriage survives the construction of this "project" it is sound proof for sure! LOL! :)

Wishing you all a stress few week! Yeah I know! Ha Ha Ha!

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