Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Basement...

For all of you that "wood" like to know all the fun we had at our house this weekend... well here you go! Bob the Builder and Crew or perhaps Handy Mandy and The Tools were busy at work at our house this weekend. The big pile of wood was for the framing that went on downstairs in our basement... and these are the fine fellows that did all the work... hubby, my sweet daddy and father in law... and the lil' straw boss of course... And here is the finished product... a framed big playroom, bathroom, and bedroom. I must say I gave our "crew" very little credit before they started and had very little faith in their abilities... but I sure did eat a big ole piece of humble pie when their work was done. We have 3 amazingly framed rooms that are as square as can be with all leveled boards... I must say I am more than impressed! A big ole thank you and a great job high five to hubby, dad, and steve (and jp too)! The pictures don't do their hard work justice! ( i think I just added a wide angle lense to my wish list... sure would make picture taking in the room a whole lot easier) top left: the big room, top right: heading into the bathroom, bottom left: bedroom, bottom right: other side of big room... and a few baby doll strollers, ladders, tools, and furniture for good measure... I am so excited I can't wait to see it all sheet rocked... if all goes as planned... that will be next weekend... fingers crossed! :)

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