Sunday, January 17, 2010

Party of 4...

After the "building crew" all left we decided to go out to eat. Some friends told me about a new place at the Summit called "Flip Burger" and they proceeded to say they had a Krispy Kreme milkshake... i was SOLD... my two favorite things Krispy Kreme doughnuts and ice cream. Therefore I could not get the "craving" out of my head. So we all headed to "Flip Burger" to see what it was all about and a night is never complete without a photo shoot with these two cuties...And i must say they were AMAZINGLY good... especially considering we did not leave to go eat until 6:30... waited an hour and a half for a table... and they did not get their food until 8:30... 3 hours after the time we normally eat ( i know i am still in shock i decided to do that with 2 kids).. and of course they passed out on the way home! Such little troopers so momma could get her milkshake... Here is one way I "bought myself some time" so my kids would not turn into monsters... I went to order them an appetizer at the bar but they don't have any so I ordered some fries... they had a grand ole time under this little counter in the corner munchin' on fries, sippin' on drinks, and playing ds and with our phones... richard looked at me about 45 min into the wait and said " i am impressed you must really want to eat here to go to all this trouble"... and he was right... (sorry these next pictures are terrible the blackberry is no cannon that is for sure...) And this my friends... is what I wanted and it met all my expectations... the Krispy Kreme Milkshake...We also got the smores milkshake too... it was way too chocolatey for me... but daddy and the kids loved it...I know all i mentioned was the milkshakes... we did eat real food too... bacon cheddar burgers, fries, onion rings (very good) and fried pickles (well daddy and brylee did)... the food was good... VERY PRICEY for what it is burgers, fries, and milkshakes... but it was a fun little night out just the four of us... for me it is one of those places you go once to say you have been and get a milkshake to go next time you have a craving... kind of like the Melting Pot... go for the dessert and skip the food! :) It is also NOT a kid place... it is not "fancy" but my kids were the only ones in the place (i know it was later but still)... there is no kids menu, no cups with lids, no crayons with coloring sheets etc...
And yes KW i WILL shake my milkshake off on Thursday...
Hope you all had a great weekend and fun "garbage day" off tomorrow
(that is for you Christie T and all my workout buddies too!) :)

1 comment:

  1. thank you, i love your blog too! i remember when i was struggling with myself and trying to figure out exactly what GOD was calling me to do, i read your post awhile back and it just made me realize even more GOD was trying to get a hold of me:)! so thank you for sharing your stories and life with us too!
