Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mount St. Laundry...

Well I have successful completed one of my new years resolutions... LAUNDRY!!!! Sunday I took all the dirty clothes from all the laundry baskets and threw them all in a BIG pile! Seriously we had beach towels, bathing suits, an all star jersey (yes he finished playing in JUNE), halloween shirt, shorts, etc... all in the dirty clothes... I had me some little "helpers as well"... I separated it all out into loads and lined it up around my dining room and washed and washed and washed and washed some more for 5 days... and 28... TWENTY EIGHT!!!!! LOADS later... (yes my washer and dryer and sitting there with their tongues hanging out... :) ) EVERYTHING IN OUR HOUSE IS WASHED, DRIED, FOLDED, AND PUT AWAY!!!!! We now have closets that look like this... organized by color and style... and clothes folded nicely on the shelves in our closets... and our laundry baskets look like this... and we now have nicely EMPTIED and LABELED laundry baskets... that look like this.. and we have all had a "lesson" on how to put your dirty clothes in the proper basket when they are dirty... and then based on our schedule i have decided that Sunday afternoon/evening will be our laundry day... my goal is to have the baskets emptied and all the clothes washed, dried, folded and put away before we start the week. I have made it into a game... if the baskets aren't emptied by Monday morning then i loose and i hate to LOOSE at anything PERIOD! Yes, my hubby thinks i am "off my rocker" he has TOTALLY made fun of me for my "labeled baskets" but i am the type of person that if i am going to "do something" i am going to do it 100% and be very anal retentive about it. I have me a system and I think it will work... i will let you know! :) p.s. Kelly and anyone else who was interested the site with tips on cleaning is it takes some navigating and searching on the site to find helpful hints... i liked the shining your sink and i really liked the beginner baby steps... i hope to start this Sunday since i have the laundry under control!


  1. OMG! That's what I felt like too.. I did that over the break but I know your's was worse than mine with 2 more than me.. It feels good to have it all done. I hope you keep it up.. I know I won't..=) Tell me how you labeled on the picture.. that is cool.

  2. WOW! I'm the total opposite. I do a load EVERYDAY and freak when there are clothes in the basket. I actually enjoy it. I think its the starting out dirty and ending nice and clean that gets me :) good for you, I know you feel a HUGE weight off your back!

  3. I am SUPER impressed! I wish my laundry baskets were empty! I don't think ours have been empty old is Sam??? Almost 6 years!! :)
