Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday's and Delights...

This Saturday started a bit too early for my liking... basketball pictures at 8:00 a.m.... ugh... really it is Saturday folks... and then a game at 9:00... and of course the one game i forget my camera Jackson plays his best game... he scored 7 of the 9 points scored, made several "steals", got fouled once and made one of the two foul shots, and had several break aways... he played a great game but they still did not win :( Then I went "shopping" and ordered some super cute Kelly's Kids clothes... oh good you want to see what I got... glad you ask... I got these... I gave up on the outfits getting in the correct order on the college... I am assuming you can see what goes together... Bring on spring and summer weather... I am so excited and can't wait... can you tell i am OBSESSED with turquoise this year??... amelia and ashley fall out in the floor... b.c i did not order anything pink and lime... and i am so excited about these polos for jackson (and no i did not get anything monogrammed on them)... they still get to match and he gets to look like a "big boy"!!! :) After that we paid a visit to our neighborhood doc in the box to see about brylee's cough that resembles the sound of a seal... yeah we have microplasma (walking pneumonia) we get so often we are just used to it... a trip to the pharmacy for "pink medicine", walmart for a get well toy, dinner, and a "delight"! So who else reads is obsessed with darby's blog??? (fly through my window) well she featured this dessert called "Striped Delight" this week and yet again i had another "craving" so i decided to make it... yeah I know kimberly i am not going to "see results" if I eat this either... and on another note anyone else wonder how in the world darby is so skinny or is it just me... when she makes recipes like this... Sorry back to the "delight"...

Here it is... It is "suppose" to chill for 4 hours... yeah right good luck with that... ours chilled for about 1 hour and we could not wait any longer... which is why it is not as "firm" as it should be... let me tell you my tummy or family DID NOT complain... it is delish...

Tester #1... the bite behind the smile tells it all... Tester #2... the chocolate "mustache" and the smile tells is all...

i think it is a keeper... if the plate is any indication...We ended this lovely Saturday with game night... UNO ATTACK was the game of choice...

Anyone need a new way to hold you cards... (i love this child she cracks me up...)and if that method doesn't work perhaps try this...

Happy Saturday!


  1. Looks like a fun Saturday night at the Powers house!
    CUTE CUTE clothes! I can't wait to place my order. I was on the Kelly's Kids site the other day and added everything I wanted to cart and the total ended up being over $600! EEK! It's going to be tough but I think I may have to narrow down the selections.
    I LOVE Darby's blog and that dessert looks so yum! I will have to give it a try :)

  2. LOVE the "new look" of the blog. I am obsessed with her blog as well and printed that recipe, cant wait to try it out.

  3. can't wait to try the recipe.. yum! love the new header.. so cute.. but, the xmas music is throwing me off.. =) change that girl!

  4. Oh Shelly you have done it again. I attend my Kelly's Kid party on Tuesday night and could not decided whether or not I should order Kyron anything or not. I love for them to match. You have saved the day with me deciding I guess I will go right ahead and get him the shirts. I guess great minds think alike because I had narrowed my selection to those same pieces except the yellow and turquoise, but I will have to see what my bill is like at the party. LOL Since I do have to attend a Castle and Crown party on the 4th. Boy I think I need to get a second job.
