Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Splash of LIME in a room of CHOCOLATE...

For Christmas we got some new pillows for our bed and new towels and rugs for our master bathroom and since the maid (my "quarterly" maid visit) came Friday I felt like my floor was actually clean enough to photograph and share the new with you and my bed was made up all nice and neat too... so here it is... yes hubby's initials got the "boot" on the pillow b.c mine are more "symetrical" "even" whatever you want to call it... yes i am weird like that... sorry! I did let him "get in" on the towels and the last picture is the new rugs we found to go with them... the brown and green one is in front of our shower and the big green one is in front of our vanity area... still working on some pictures and "stuff" to sit around... i will keep you posted!

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