Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekend Review...

Weekend in review... two days late... gotta love when the internet goes down for 2 days... I guess it is cold and doesn't function very well in below freezing temps... Anyone else ready for Spring? Gezzz it was such a COLD week, weekend, and continues to be cold. I know some of you probably live up "north" where it really is COLD but for us in the south a week with below freezing temps is COLD for my southern blood. But I had cabin fever and had to brave the cold this weekend... after Jackson's ball game Brylee, GoGo, and I went shopping! We had a blast, shopped till we dropped, and found lots of good deals and sales... Someone got a super cute fuzzy pink NorthFace jacket (for a great deal, might I add) and a super cute scarf to match! How cute... Sunday afternoon I decided to audition for "mom of the year" every time i do... i always end up wondering what i thinking? We made Cake Balls... they looked really good and sounded yummy but I must say I am not a fan... after it was all said and done I wished I had the cake back... but oh well... I guess the bright side is the kids like them and I want eat any unwanted calories like I would if I did have the cake! :) Licking the batter off the beaters... i know... raw eggs... who cares... it is the best part... another one of those things I did as a kid and survived so I am assuming my kids will too...
27 minutes and waiting...
and when you are tired of waiting bundle up and go play outside...
check out finished swing set from Santa...leave it to brother to swing like a wild man... BOYS!Cake balls the finished product...
melted chocolate + sprinkles+ 5 & 6 year old= MESS!!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about the cold weather. It has been cold and I am ready for the spring weather. Where did you purchase the kids cwing set for christmas. We plan to get the kids one this spring for Kyron's 4th birthday?
