Sunday, April 25, 2010

BBTN Girls Weekend 2010...

this weekend was a BLAST... the food was DELICIOUS... the company was even BETTER... the spa day was RELAXING... the photography class was INFORMATIVE... new FRIENDSHIPS were made... TONS OF PICTURES were taken... on 8 different cameras the hospitality was AMAZING... ashley you are the BEST! and I OWE my husband the WORLD... BUT.... I am one TIRED momma... and i am going to bed with my kids... as in NOW! I promise to be back realllllly soon with pictures... yes THE picture... and one amazing write up about my fabulous weekend... but right now i don't think i can type a complete thought... good night! PS--- i now know why i have not been to an all girls weekend since college... yeah b/c i was a lot younger then and could handle it... ha! :) good night... zzzzzz~


  1. hey cutiepie!!!!
    glad i found you & i'm adding to the google reader right now!
    i lOVED meeting you & hope i didn't talk your ear off. you're probably thinking "ASHLEY-SAVE ME"....sorry 'bout that

    turns out CEK loved the top
    hopefully ashley will remember to send the other one too!


  2. LOVE this post! Love these pics too! Such an exciting weekend and so glad to have shared it with you! So nice to get out of our element and relax and spend "uninterrupted" talk time together!! You are crackin' me up about "Darbs"! She has earned that one for sure! Can't wait for post #2!
