Friday, April 16, 2010

The Three B's...

This week we had fun with "the three B's"! :)
B#1: Bowling - Monday the kids and daddy we out of school for a weather day so I took the day "off" to spend it with them.... what better thing to do on a day off than go bowling... brylee's technique was quite interesting... and I quote "she is very glad she does not play bowling b.c the shoes are not cute"... only brylee would care! In case you are wondering this is how you strike a pose when you get a strike! :) ... also brylee wins the award for having the first character shirt in our house... i have won the battle for almost seven years... but i lost it to the hello kitty shirt at target... boo hoo... we might just loose this shirt real soon! Jackson has the "bowling form" down... he was quit serious about his games of bowling! B # 2.... The Buzz at Chelsea Park... Wednesday Jackson's School participated in their annual fun run! In years past the school has always done it with a company but this year the PTO did the whole fun run and it was great... and the best thing all the money stays at the school... as apposed to the company getting 35% of it!
Ready to run!
Still running! I enjoyed spending the whole day at the school helping with the fun run. A few observations... - second grade teachers did not come off as being very nice... yikes... - only 3.. yes 1,2,3... third grade girls had ribbons in their hair... oh how i dread those days... - the poor third grade has hardly NO parents to cheer them on... poor kids the parents are tired by then I guess... but those were some serious runners... especially the boys - got to "love" those kindergartners... they are so needy... very specific about their Popsicle colors... i guess it matters when you are 5... and they have the largest cheering squad... the parents are all excited... their baby is doing everything for the first time! :) - the first grade lucked out running at 8:30 was not near as hot! :) - realized i did not miss mystery meat school lunches! :) B #3... My 32nd birthday... I am slowly climbing the 30 mountain... I guess I could say thank goodness I am not sliding down yet... My whole family went to eat at Mt Fuji for dinner and cake bits! I had a great time... thanks so much everyone for coming! Our newest birthday obsession... Cake Bites from Pastry Art in Homewood... OMG! they ARE THE BEST... PERIOD! The kids had a BLAST... they gave them these frozen fruity drinks and they thought they were the greatest!!! Everyone had to have a taste... They also got balloon animals made from our "cooker"... a snake and a dog in case you can't tellLet's just say it is a good thing I don't get embarrassed easily b.c their birthday celebrating was a bit much... ha! They turned the lights down in the restaurant, turned on the disc balls, and very loudly playing a birthday song... then they bring a drum out and bang it very loudly and start singing, and bring you fried ice cream and a firework for a candle... the kids LOVED it they thought it was BEYOND great! :)
I had a great birthday dinner... thank gogo and grandaddy, cathy and randy, kk, nonnie and poppie, and lane and missy for coming to celebrate with me... it was great... well and daddy and the kids too! :) Lovin' on Uncle Lane and Aunt Missy!
And last but certainly not least... my BEAUTIFUL flowers!!!! There is nothing like getting flowers as a complete and total surprise... Ashley and the BBTN girls sent me flowers to work on Thursday (kristen and I only work on thurs)... are they not beautiful?? Gerber daisies are my FAVORITE flower... I want them to live for forever! Thank you Ashley and BBTN girls... ya'll truly are THE BEST!!!!
wishing you all a wonderful weekend... i am off to bed... and my floors smell like lavender pine sol... where has that stuff been all my life... i am obsessed... if you don't mop your floors with it... go get a bottle tomorrow and get to moppin'... you will LOVE it... my house smells SO CLEAN!


  1. I laughed out loud at Miss Priss striking a pose at the bowling alley! Funny girl!
    I'm so glad you had a great birthday!!
    Sam told Jay last night "Jackson's mom is SO NICE! She gave me a bandaid when I fell and then she brought us popcicles. She's just SO NICE!" Looks like you won him over :)

  2. Amelia told me tonight you had a blog and I found it. Yipee! Now we can follow each other like we are in high school. Love the cake bits, where can I go to try them. Loved meeting you on Saturday. Hope we can chat again soon. Hugs friend!
