Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today's the First Day of School.....

Remember Nemo... today's the first day of school, today's the first day of school...
well today was the first day of school for my two babies... one in third grade and one in first... WOW! is all i can say???
Jackson chose to ride the bus this morning... he is all about his friends on the bus... he let me take my picture and that was it... off he went to the bus stop... bye mom... is about all i got...
Brylee chose for me to take her to school... she was having a hard time the night before with some nervous jitters and a little this morning too. She was wanting me to walk her in this morning but she is a "clinger" and i had this fear of me getting in her room and she wanting one more hug, no mommy don't leave, watch me do this... etc so i talked her into us keeping GoGo on speaker phone and us "all" going through the car rider line and her telling us both bye... she bought my suggestion and it worked marvelously! :) I got a little teary eyed when she got out and walked into school... i think i said something like "there she goes" when i was talking to my mom... but we just talked and i was ok! Brylee girl gets me everytime... i guess it's just girls! Then I was off to boo-hoo breakfast at Burger King with all my mommy friends! :) She was all into the pictures unlike her brother... she is super excited about her messenger bag with her peace sign... I think this was the S-L-O-W-E-S-T day i could not wait for them to get home and hear all about their day! Finally it came and here they come.... I always make them a special snack on the first day of school... they even ask if i had them a surprise inside for snack... i love doing things like this... i hope they remember this tradition!
brylee was excited b.c she got pink play dough from the treasure box!!!
and did you know binders are a BIG deal????
I promise i love jackson and he had a great day too... he is just not into all the picture like B is! He said lunch, PE, and recess where his favorite parts of the day... well of course they were... he is ALL BOY!
I think you could say the first day of school was a success at our house! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Look at you with your cute little cookies!! Such a good mom!
    Jackson and Brylee have grown so so much! I'm so glad to hear they had a good first day!
