Thursday, September 23, 2010

Busy Week...

Holy Busy Week Batman!!!!! This week we have had.... - no home cooked meals - no early bed times - no husband/daddy home before 1opm... thank you football & DC trip - LOTS of single parenthood... which i am not a fan of Although it has been busy we have had a fun week... - Brylee went on her first outing with a friend... sweet abbie invited her to the ball game monday night so she could see all her friends cheer and play football... she had a BLAST... (long story on why brylee isn't cheering at the moment... lets just say it was not my choice or hers and she will be cheering for basketball soon) ... thanks sweet leisha for the picture... i think they could win the tallest and shortest competition...what do you think? no one would believe they are only 2 months apart
- Brylee also had her first after school playdate... she went to abbie's house last week so this week we had abbie to our house... they had a great time playing together... and jackson had a great time antagonizing them... got to love a brother... - tonight was the first home game for the chelsea middle school football team... so brylee and i went to support jackson and daddy... - can i tell you how much i love that my little guy gets to be involved with this team... because of his involvement with CHMS he is not playing "real football" and that makes this mommy real happy! - he gets so excited when they score a touchdown... you would think he really played on the team... look at his precious little face!

- he takes his job VERY seriously...

- my little water boy and all the coaches (and daddy) that are so nice to him... coach B gets him off the bus at the intermediate school on game days and they let him eat the pre-game meal, go to study hall and actually do his homework with him... he gets to be "one of the team" and he loves every ounce of it! - i love that these middle school football players are so kind to him... they play with him, speak to him when they see him around "town", let him run through the sign before the game with them, and you can see here they let him lead the "good game line" at the end of the game... such fine young men taking such good care of my little man! ( i know they are no dummies no one is going to be mean to a coaches kids ha! :)) - he thinks he is one of the team and I guess to him he is... he hangs on every word these coaches say... he can tell you everything they say at the post game huddle... i love to watch his teeny tiny self run all around and be in the mist of this big ole bunch a boys... We had a great week just a busy one... i am thankful tomorrow is friday. I have a shopping date planned with my mom tomorrow night and I have a honey do list for my honey to do this weekend... i know he is going to be thrilled! Wishing you all a TGIF and have a great weekend! ps... head on over to blue eyed bride she is giving away a BBTN outfit... and if you have never read her blog you should start... she is just too cute and i enjoyed "talking" (aka emailing) with her over the last few weeks getting our sponsorship and giveaway details handled... she was such a pleasure to work with! thanks erin!

1 comment:

  1. You have had a busy week! Loved seeing you yesterday & that sweet Brylee on Monday! Thank you for letting us know about the giveaway. I just went and commented to win that cute yo-yo outfit that Eli had on! Is it too late to order any BBTN stuff? I still love that football outfit.
