Sunday, September 19, 2010

Football, Family, and a First....

Saturday we headed down to the loveliest village on the plains... auburn b.c i wanted to see this... this is about as close as we could get....and the best picture i could get of good ole kurt
the camera was right in the way of his cute little face...
i will say i was a little disappointed in the set up o f game day... it is so hard to see everything... it is way different on TV...this is the stage where the guys talk but you can barely see them for all the cameras and crew and then behind them is where all the fans are with the signs...if you want to "get on TV" you have to be behind them and then you can't even see them or hear what they are saying... you have to watch it on a big screen... it is kind of weird...
jackson in front of the bus...
then we walked down to where ESPN U was...
the kids enjoyed playing the bean bag game... and they got them some airbrush tattoos... after checking out of all gameday we walked around campus and get some pictures...
That was about all the heat we could stand... it was SO HOT... we were all dying... we were going to eat at Mama G's but it was so HOT outside we were done walking around and were ready to get back in the car with the A/C on full blast and head back to Granny and Pap Pap's.
Saturday we also celebrated Granny's birthday! Due to the fact that it was so HOT the kids put on their bathing suits on and swam in the lake to cool off...
Jackson skied behind the waver runner...
and all the girls rode the rocket... then olivia bailed and jackson rode... we gave granny an alabama ribbon wreath for her birthday... i know the best birthday present granny got was having all 5 of her grandkids down to celebrate her birthday... we don't get to see olivia much... (olivia, katie, granny, jackson, brylee and zac on the floor) poor katie and her shiner she got when she hit her eye on the wave runner when she jumped off.... bless her heart!
Happy Birthday Granny!
Today Miss Brylee had a big first.... she learned to ride her bike without training wheels. She has been wanting to take her training wheels off all summer but we really just don't have the best place for her to learn to ride... we have practiced a few times riding jackson's bike around the driveway but that is it... well today she talked her grandaddy into taking her training wheels off and "teaching" her to ride her back.... well it turned out that he took her training wheels off and she showed US how SHE could ride her bike without training wheels. She just took off! Grandaddy had to give her a little lesson on how to use the breaks to stop instead of just running into something or putting her feet down but other than that she was pretty much good to go!
Way to Go Brylee Girl! She is SO PROUD of herself!of course brother had to ride his bike like a wild man...
buzzing around her and fly up and down the hill
I am just glad we came away with no major wrecks or big ole boo boo's... the kids have school pictures on thursday and I was so worried someone was going to have a wreck and have a big ole battle wound for pictures but thankfully they did not! :)
We had a great weekend and we hope you did too! Super glad the Auburn Tigers pulled out a win over Clemson... what a great game to watch... but my heart breaks for that poor team who played so hard... that poor quarterback who played hurt and that poor kicker who missed the kick. Bless his heart!
I have a special place in my heart for these guys that have to be "the game winner" and especially their poor parents. I know jackson is only 7 but i thought back to his all star game this summer... when the game was tied, bases loaded, and there were 2 outs... he came to bat and had to hit the game winning run in... the pressure that was on him just about killed me... and it was ONLY 7 year old baseball... no comparison to the pressure and situation that the poor kicker for clemson was in but i atleast felt like i could relate... my oh my how my perspective has changed over situations like this since i have become a mom to an athlete.
Wishing you all great week and if anyone sees fall weather around... tell him I am READY!

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