Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nations Outfitters

Have you ever heard of Nations Outfitters?
Well me neither until last week when the super cute Kristin P came to work for us and she was wearing a shirt from this company. So I came home, did a little google search and low and behold found the website and started drooling! They have tons of super cute stuff but I am in love with these 4 shirts! This might be my favorite of them all... and i am drooling over this girls hair too... why can't mine look like that? These next 2 shirts are a close second... i can't really decide which one i like best??? This is the one KP had on... you can't really see it that well in this picture b.c of the way the model is turned but go to their website and they have it on a monacan... i think it is so cute! And i am in love with this top too... minus the little scarfy thing... that would just get in my way ALL. DAY. LONG!!! not crazy about the white jeans paired with it either but on the website monacan they have it paired with jeans... looks so cute!!! I know sleeveless but i think it would be cute with a jean jacket. and lastly i think this little number is super cute too... how cute is that with jean legging... and i think you could put a long sleeve tee under right??They also donate 5% of their sales to Habitat for Humanity... i thought that was pretty cool!!!! Well, what do you think??? I am in LOVE! Please allow me to excuse myself while I go and water my money tree I planted in the backyard... no really I don't think their prices are bad at all and I think they have such cute stuff... i love the black shirt too... but I have WAY TO MUCH BLACK... i am trying to branch out and get a new color and it looks like it is gray... is gray the new black? Happy Shopping! :)

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