Monday, October 25, 2010

Brylee's Birthday Part 2

Saturday Morning we had birthday breakfast at my parents house with our family! GoGo decorated the table especially for Brylee.
and grandaddy and jackson went to Krispy Kreme and got some yummy doughnuts! Brylee's Birthday Flowers
gogo and grandaddy cooked a yummy breakfast fit for a princess
then it was present time....
brylee got some cute new gowns...
and a brand new big girl bike from GoGo and Grandaddy
they took her friday and let her pick it out... it is pink and turquoise...
she loves it... Thank you GoGo and Grandaddy! Nonnie surprised Brylee and brought Morgan over for the birthday brunch...
Morgan (and her mom, dad, and sister avery) gave Brylee
this cute scarf, gloves and a pink shirt
She can not wait until it gets cooler to wear it... she loves peace signs!
Thank you Morgan! KK gave brylee a stamp kit and a hello kitty poster book...Brylee and Morgan enjoyed some yummy pink cupcakes too...Happy Birthday Brylee Girl!


  1. what a doll!!!
    i love her happy smile especially in that last picture :)

  2. Glad to see that Brylee had a wonderful birthday.
