Sunday, October 24, 2010

Brylee's Birthday

Thursday was Brylee's Birthday! She had a great day with lots of celebrating. She took doughnuts to school for her class and then we went to Mt Fuiji for dinner to celebrate!
Heading off to school in her birthday dress....
Opening presents at dinner...
Nonnie and Poppie gave her the american girl bitty twin dolls for her birthday.
She was so excited!The little mama and her babies... who she named Harper and Haylee! Thank you Nonnie and Poppie! Uncle Lane and Aunt Missy came too! They gave her money which she can't wait to spend! Thank you Uncle Lane and Aunt Missy! (and uncle lane had a great time playing with harper and haylee i think aunt missy might need to get him a set for christmas)Birthday Cake!!!
Brylee was not sure if she wanted them to sing to her... b.c she might get embarrassed... whatever... what 6 year old gets embarrassed over the birthday song, disco ball, and the fire cracker cake... so she decided she really wanted the firecracker cake so it was "OK" to sing! Her favorite part... the firecracker that you can't blow out...
KK came too to celebrate...
and gogo and grandaddy...
jackson and i were there too but some how we missed out on all the pictures...
daddy had a football game so he missed out on all the fun!
Happy Birthday Brylee Girl!
We hope you had a fantastic day!
*** lots more birthday fun to come***
we celebrated all weekend long but I am one tired mama so i am off to bed...
check back later this week for more birthday fun!

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