Monday, October 4, 2010

Random Thoughts...and not pictures!!!

- well our little blog got a wee bit neglected over the week... i think i have us caught up - i told you i would come back with a picture of me when i was little... well so far that has not happened... i keep forgetting to scan it... maybe soon i will remember - i got "captured" by "the crud" all last week... i fought hard.. taking every over the counter medicine known to man... nothing seemed to work... i hardly ever get sick and i really hate to go to the doctor too... i am usually not a wuss... i just keep on going and usually it gets better... - well that was not the case this time... i finally gave in and went to the doctor today... glad i did... i had a saver sinus infection and double ear infections... yeah i don't think i was just going to "get over that" so 2 shots later and a script i hope to be on the mend really soon... b.c this mama doesn't have time to get sick... - speaking of shots... i know... yuck... i really used to hate shots... but today i went in begging for some... one shot was antibiotic and the other was a steroid... seriously if i could get a steroid shot once a month my to do list would get done a whole lot faster... those things give me SO MUCH ENERGY!!! and make me so hungry... that part not so good... energy real good! - and being sick.. i told you i never get sick any more... it is so true... i had not been to the doc for a sick visit since april 2007...i really could not believe that until they told me that toady... one i think i have an immune system of a horse after having two kid who used to bring home every germ under the sun for me and after working for 5 years in the germ box.. aka school... yeah those will bust that immune system for sure... and once i quiet working in the germ box... yeah i think that helped too b.c i used to get sick about 3 times a year there... i guess i need to "knock on wood"... you watch i will be sick every month just cause i "typed" that! - today was my lucky day... i got out of a SPEEDING TICKET!!!!!... i was coming down "the mountain" today and "apparently" i was going a wee bit too fast... like 71 in a 55 too fast... and there he was good ole state trooper sitting in the middle and i knew i was busted... i really did not realize i was going that fast... and of course the blue lights went on... i pulled over and was already "getting my story together" to try and get out of my ticket... i mean i was sick... just been to the dr... got two shots... blah blah blah... all of a sudden I hear Shelly Stonicher (that is my maiden name) it is your lucky day... and I look and it is Ryan Church ( i graduated H.S. with him)... and I said... Ryan Church PA-LEZZZ don't give me a ticket... he smiled... told me to SLOW DOWN... ahh yes sir... and said don't ever say I did not do anything for you... don't your worry buddy... you are MY NEW BFF! Thank you LORD! - my little man came home not feeling so good... i think he had a sinus infection too... that seems to be what he usually gets... especially with his allergies and this weather change... so looks like he will be spending the day with me and we will paying a visit to the doctor too... - speaking of dr... we would get sick... well 2 of the 4... right when the dang copays increase for our wonderful little health insurance plan that just got hit by the ole OH-BOMB-A health care increase and the fact that our state education system has ZERO money... gezz... just what we wanted to do... pay 80 more dollars a month for insurance and then play 10 dollars more for our copays... i know it could be worse would could have NO insurance but money is money - i am super excited i got to break out my cowboy boots this weekend... with my new cute little dress from nations... - i love candy corn especially with peanuts.... - i am loving that the weather is cool at night... i love opening our windows and feeling the cool breeze and the "free air"... hopefully the 200 power bill and 100 degree days are long gone! told you random... scroll on down for two other post that are a lot less random! :)

1 comment:

  1. so sorry you all have been sick. i got to meet your little jackson today. he was so sweet and came up to our booth. he said, he was enjoying "free time"! he probably thought i was crazy bc i recognized him right away. i hate i missed you all and tride to sneak away for a few minutes but it was packed. i will email you and get a date to meet next week.
