Monday, October 11, 2010

Fun in the Fall....

we are having fun in the fall and thankfully we are all on the mend and hopefully the sickness is out for house for a little while...
some little excited kindergartner came home super excited last week because she was given "the gift" she has waited her whole life for... homework... yes these 3 little books made for a happy little reader...we enjoyed the fall festival at the school friday evening and would you believe my cute little blondie was replaced by spider man... and my little blue eyed babe was transformed into a precious pink kitty...and look what this cute little kitty was able to talk her grandaddy into buying her...
how cute is pinkie the flamingo...
saturday grandaddy took jackson and brylee to uncle don's farm so they could ride their four wheelers... they had a great time... not the greatest picture... but wow the farm looks like it is just beautiful right now...after the four wheeler fun was over daddy brought then out to the mt laurel fall market where i was working and let them have some more fall fun... pretty proud of these pumpkins...sunday the kids went to the lake to spend a few days with granny and pap pap and i cleaned my house like it has never been cleaned before... i was lucky enough to get a little help from my parents... i spent 7 HOURS cleaning house... i can't remember the last time it has been this clean... my sweet daddy even cleaned our carpets... but wow it feels and smells so good! I LOVE IT! i am one lucky chick... :)
My super talented mom can whip out fall decorations that look so cute faster than any one i know... that is so not my gift but i am certainly glad it is hers and that i get to reap the benefits from it... she went fall decoration tub diving and look what all she came out with...
a super cute fall wreath mom made for my freshly stained door...
i love them both dearly...
how about you add some little pumpkins to your mantel...
ahh ok... how cute are these little guys..and you need something fall on your dining room table...
ahh ok like what... and there you have it... some little princess that lives here requested that her room be painted PINK...
and of course all she had to do was ask her grandaddy and bat her eyes a few times...
and low and behold he comes over with pink paint in hand... it is really not as BRIGHT as it looks in the picture...
it is a great pretty soft pink...
Daddy's Little Girl... to be exact... how appropriate!
Enought about the house...
how about a new happy... (how was that for a transition)
the super talented sherrie f. is selling these fun new bracelets...(bad picture... hard to take a picture of your own arm)
what do you think? i think it is fun
i have gotten a complement on it every day i have worn it...
so if you like it... we have then at favorite laundry... all colors
and lastly our reward for a very productive day... my mom and i went and saw this movie last night and it was so cute...
touched on all the emotions... and i did not fall asleep...
which is a HUGE deal... I recommend you go see it!
Wishing you all a great week!
See you soon!

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