One of the joys of having a girl... DANCE!
Brylee got to bring her costumes home today. She looked so cute in them. The white one is her tap costume and she is doing a dance to "I'm A Little Eskimo" (to the tune of I'm a little teapot). It is so cute and her favorite. The multi-colored one is her ballet costume and she is doing a dance to " Dancing Tulips". She looks cute in this one as well. I will post pictures of her in them later on in the month... she has pictures in 2 weeks. Her recital is June 13
th. I must say that dance is more her "thing" she loves dancing and actually has some
rhythm we laugh that she must have gotten that from "the milk man" b/c she did not get it from her daddy or I. Enjoy!
CUTE! I cant wait for all of that. Bentley LOVES to dance. Anytime she hears music she starts clapping and twirling around :)